• Projects
    Komplexní řešení problematiky dopravní infrastruktury
Czech Republic, Koberovice, Humpolec
2013 - 2016

The section is part of overall modernisation of the D1 highway between Mirošovice and Kývalka.

The section is part of overall modernisation of the D1 highway between Mirošovice and Kývalka. It will improve the technical condition of the highway, ensure its compliance with applicable technical standards and regulations and increase safety and capacity of the D1 highway.

The project involves D1 highway modernisation in the section from km 82.420 to km 91.240. The total length of the modernised section is 8.820 km. It involves widening the highway to the D 28 category. The project covers modification of the highway transverse inclinations, addition, prolongation and widening of the additional lanes (according to the applicable ČSN), addition of emergency bays and the SOS phone bays in areas where the hard shoulder is less than 2.50 m wide and modifications and additions of the centre line crossing points. There is one flyover – Humpolec (EXIT 90) in the section where the junction branch connections will be modified. 

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